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Monday, 10 November 2008

DA Watch: Judge Dismisses Felony Corruption Charges Against DA Juan Angel Guerra

You gotta wonder.

Once Upon A Time, Juan Angel Guerra Was Just Planning a Re-Election Campaign ...

Almost two years ago, Willacy County District Attorney Juan Angel Guerra was planning his re-election campaign, after serving his region in South Texas for three straight terms. Guerra was gearing up for a run to serve another term in office - he would be voted the top prosecutor of the area for the fourth straight election.

Next, DA Guerra was Indicted on Three Separate Felony Indictments ....

Then, about 18 months ago, Guerra was indicted for allegedly doing some very bad things. In fact, there were three separate indictments:

First, it was alleged that DA Guerra commited theft when he demanded that a bail bonds company fork over $10,000 or he'd put them out of business.

Second, the DA was indicted for allegedly tampering with government records, perjury, or abuse of office because Guerra purportedly lied under oath when he claimed the bail bonds company was over its limit.

Third, Guerra was indicted for allegedly stealing over $200,000 in public funds by using county equipment and personnel for his own personal use.

Then, The Special Prosecutor Is Held to Be Improperly Appointed ....

Gus Garza was the man appointed to be Special Prosecutor of the Guerra case. DA Guerra challenged Garza's appointment, and in May 2008, the 13th Court of Appeals agreed with Guerra -- Gus Garza was improperly appointed to serve in this role. Ron Barroso replaced Garza.

And, State District Judge Manuel Banales Dismisses All Three Indictments.

In October 2008, the new Special Prosecutor Ron Barroso files a motion that the indictments against DA Guerra be dismissed, and Judge Banales grants the motion.

Why? Ron Barroso found NO EVIDENCE to support the three felony corruption charges that had been leveled against DA Juan Angel Guerra.

That's right: NO EVIDENCE.

But This is Only After Guerra's Lost the March Primary and His Re-Election Bid.

So, DA Guerra should be very happy, right? Well, no.

Seems that DA Juan Angel Guerra was beaten in the March 2008 Primary, when all this felony indictment stuff was being thrown around in the media -- and after serving three terms in office, this experienced prosecutor was beaten even before the November election day.

His reputation will forever be tainted, too - because lots of people are just going to remember that he was accused of being a thief and misusing his office, and they'll assume where there is smoke there is fire ... regardless of the fact that he's been cleared of any wrongdoing here.

Did Politics Go So Far As To Indict An Incumbent to Drive Him Out of Office?

Some might wonder if there were some closed-door shenanigans here. And, they would include Juan Angel Guerra - who has been quoted by the media as stating he believes the indictments came down to keep him from being re-elected.

Well, Juan Angel -- it kinda looks that way, doesn't it?


By the way, on those three charges: Juan Angel had explained that he was using the $200,000 in county equipment and personnel as part of his job to offer free legal services to those in need; and he had legitimately demanded $10,000 from the bail bonding company to pay lawsuit judgments filed against the company, because it couldn't cover its bonds after the criminal defendants failed to show.


Associated Press

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