A cautionary word to the wise, never assume that a Town Court is in that Town. I had a case in the Town of Jerusalem (no not the Town of Jesus birth) but a town in Yates County, NY. Jerusalem is in Branchport. I went around in circles for awhile on that one. The Town Court of Torrey is in Dresden, NY. Barrington Town Court is in Penn Yan, NY. You get my point! Check the town's true location on google. Get an real address. I'm going back to paper maps because sometimes the online directions take me through dirt (unpaved) roads. It's not much of a short cut if you have to wait for the sheep to cross the road or have gravel pummeling your car paint.
Small Town Courts have their own rhythm. The judges may or may not take the attorneys first. They may or may not have all the necessary paperwork. Have patience and courtesy in these places. The pace is definitely slower and more methodical. If you are in a rush you should have thought about that long before you passed through. I love practicing DWI defense in these small towns. It is challenging and rewarding. Relish the views, the hometown hospitality, and the fresh air but never assume anything, especially around here.
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