There are unique and collateral issues that need to be dealt with early in the majority of situations. For instance, if someone is from New Jersey and holds a NJ license, and now is a student residing in New York State, and if their future plans include staying in NYS for a number of years then why are they maintaining a NJ driver's license? Is it in there best interests, financially and functionally to maintain their NJ driver's license? These issues may not be as pressing until I tell them that because they hold a NJ driver's license their NYS DWI conviction is going to cost them $1000/year for three years ($3,000 in total) in NJ, and then another $250/year for three years in NYS. In addition, NJ will suspend their driving privileges for 210 days (with NO conditional or restricted license privileges).
So waiting to hire a lawyer is not a good idea. In fact hiring a lawyer not conversant in how a DWI/DUI conviction can impact your state's driving privileges is a bad idea.
Any lawyer can do any type of legal matter. BUT will they do a good job is another story. Will they be thorough? Will they understand the collateral consequences? Just today I got an email:
"First and foremost, I'd like to say that ive gotten more information from you on your website than i did from my own lawyer! My question is...."
So my advice:
Always Hire the best Bankruptcy lawyer for your bankruptcy!
Always Hire the best family lawyer for your divorce!
Always Hire the best estate lawyer for your will and trust!
Always Hire the best business lawyer for your incorporation!
Always Hire the best real estate lawyer for your house closing or sale!
Having a generalist lawyer handle your case "may be" like having your family doctor (GP) handle a foot problem (instead of a podiatrist) or
handle a back problem (instead of a Chiropractor or an orthopedic surgeon) or
handle a skin problem (instead of a dermatologist) or
handle a psychological problem (instead of a psychologist)
Don't tell me but he's been practicing for 25, 30, or 35 years so he knows what he's doing. Remember the world is dynamic. The laws are constantly changing, the days of the generalist are over, and staying current and focused is the best strategy for long term success!
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