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Thursday 2 September 2010

Family Sues Suspect Terrorists United States Government

United States Efforts to suppress terrorism got resistance. Government Affairs Uncle Sam is considered to have violated the constitutional rights of its citizens in an effort to eradicate terrorism. Moreover, the U.S. Government, allegedly having a secret program to "allow" officers to kill suspected terrorists who considered dangerous.

The argument was contained in the lawsuit filed by Naseer Al-Aulaqi, father of terrorist suspect Anwar Al-Aulaqi, to the District Court District of Columbia, U.S., on Monday (30 / 8). Naseer formally sued three U.S. government officials in power today, U.S. President Barack Obama, Director of Center Intelligence Agency (CIA), Leon Panetta C, and the U.S. Department of Defense Secretary Robert M Gates.

In its lawsuit, Naseer said the eradication of terrorism in the U.S. Government should try to catch the suspects alive, not even wanted to kill him without any judicial process. "The right to life is the most basic yanng rights of all human rights," said the man was living as academics.

For information, Anwar Al-Aulaqi is the most wanted terrorist suspects by the U.S. Government today. Anwar's U.S. citizenship was considered involved the organization of al-Qaeda and suspected of hiding in the mountains of central Yemen. Based on data obtained by Naseer, the U.S. Government has issued a list of terrorist suspects who should be killed, in which Anwar was one of them.

Furthermore, Naseer expressed outside the context of armed conflict or war, the use of a deadly weapon intentionally without trial is an act that can not be justified. "The plaintiff asked for the verdict of the court that the constitution and international law prohibit acts of this government," he added.

Speaker of the U.S. Attorney General, Eric H. Holder Jr., said the Obama administration's use of all existing legal measures to defeat al-Qaeda. "And we will continue to do it all the strength they become a threat to this nation," he said as quoted by The Washington Post.

Parties Law Department was reluctant to comment on this case specifically. However, his spokesman Matt Miller said the Congress had agreed to use all necessary force precisely against al-Qaeda and its allies. "The U.S. government was very careful to ensure that all operations yanng used to 'judge' armed conflict, including the deadly operation, and comply with all applicable laws, including laws of war," said Matt Miller.

He also said the government has authority under national and international laws, as well as responsibility to the citizens, to use force in an effort to defend themselves in a way consistent with the rule of law. The U.S. government, previously, also has announced that Anwar played a direct operational role in the trial in the bombing of a Northwest plane trip to Detroit.

In Indonesia, the method of eradication of terrorism conducted by the Police Anti-terror Special Detachment (Densus 88) could also reap criticism. Vice Chairman of the Commission's task of assessing Yoseph Adi Prasetyo crippling fight against terrorism is the enemy, not a deadly enemy. He regretted the step Densus often shoot at terrorist suspects.
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