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Wednesday, 13 October 2010

You Don't Need A Weatherman to Know Which Way the Wind Blows.


As I predicted, it appears the 3d DCA opinion overturning Florida's gay adoption ban will not be further appealed:
It's clear that the District Court of Appeal decision is of statewide application, and it will be binding on all trial courts across the state,'' Sheldon said.

As of last week, the state had exhausted the time to challenge the Gill adoption, and so, regardless of the law's status, the two children will remain Gill's adoptive children, Sheldon said.

Sheldon said he had discussed the case with Florida Attorney General Bill McCollum as early as Tuesday morning, and informed the state's top law enforcer of his decision. He said he does not know whether McCollum will choose to exercise his authority to appeal to the Florida Supreme Court in defense of the state statute.
Add to that recent federal district court rulings on DADT, DOMA, and Prop 8 and it's evident there's something happening, and you don't know what it is, do you Mr. Jones?

Oops, there I go again!

Question -- how cocooned do you have to be to think it's a good idea to purchase 20 miles of African Sapele wood at taxpayer expense for your fancy new appellate courthouse?

I have been to the bunker by the highway many times and I can assure you there is no wood in that building anywhere -- literally there is nothing organic or derived from the earth anywhere inside that place unless you count "concrete" as an all-natural substance.

And this is something we're proud of!

Finally, someone wants to shut Spencer Aronfeld up.

Have a nice hump day.

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