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Friday, 5 November 2010

Judge Olson Recuses!

Judge Olson Recusal Order

Bankruptcy Judge Olson, who previously denied a motion to recuse based on his partner's employment in the bankruptcy group at Ruden McClosky, has now changed his mind and granted a second motion to recuse (although he still thinks he doesn't have to):
 On September 3, 2010, the Defendants filed “Second Motions” seeking my recusal and vacatur of rulings. These “Second Motions” are actually reconsideration motions which do not satisfy reconsideration standards. Nevertheless, for the reasons stated on the record at the hearing conducted October 28, 2010, the Plaintiff believes that recusal and reassignment will be beneficial as a practical matter. I will accordingly recuse myself to speed these adversary proceedings to a more prompt conclusion.
So I guess the Judge is saying that if the plaintiff did not otherwise agreed, the second motion would also have been denied.

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