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Thursday, 13 January 2011

Charlie Crist Gets A New Job!

The tan one is taking a job at Morgan & Morgan, that big time PI firm upstate:
Former Florida Gov. Charlie Crist has joined Morgan & Morgan. While serving in office, Crist was often referred to as “the People’s Governor.” His dedication and commitment to the people of Florida will remain the same as he works with the firm’s mass tort and class action department, fighting “for the people.” Crist said, “It's truly a privilege for me to have this opportunity to work all over our beautiful state. John Morgan has set up an incredible firm of very gifted people and it's truly an honor and a privilege to have this day come.” 
Morgan & Morgan was founded in 1988 with a single office and three attorneys; the firm has since grown into one of the largest in the southeast with 13 offices and over 170 lawyers, with a staff of more than 500 people. The growth and success of the firm can be attributed to a steadfast commitment to representing the people, not the powerful. It is this focus that appealed to Crist: “It’s really such a natural transition for me; to be with Morgan & Morgan and work with my dear friend John Morgan… he really is all about the people. That’s what I’ve always tried to do and aspire to do as a public servant. Now I’ll do it in the private sector.
I'm happy for him and think he'll do quite well at PI  (assuming Rick Scott will still allow people to sue) -- he's affable, easy going, quick on his feet and connects well with people.

Not everyone, of course, is thrilled.

For example, early Rubio-booster NRO thinks this is just, well, tacky and icky for any self-respecting elitist lawyer who should instead make big bucks representing mega corporations at [fill in the blank] BigFirm (perfectly ok by me btw):
All of which explains why some of my (admittedly, and archly, white-shoe) lawyer pals said yesterday when Morgan & Morgan announced its newest partner, “Yeah, that sounds about right.”
Hold on.

Just who are these "lawyer pals" -- Winthorpe's former friends at the club?

"And she stepped on the ball!"

And let me clue these condescending white-shoe ninnies in on something -- in Florida we actually have some prominent GOP conservative types who make a lot of money doing plaintiff's work -- Dean Colson for one comes to mind.

This means, you know, they actually have to interact with -- gross -- real human people, some of whom are poor, desperate and victimized, and try to help them with their problems and hope these lawyers get paid somewhere down the line and, even then, only if they are successful.

(This type of stuff never happens in white-shoe world).

If memory serves, as a matter of fact, former Senator and GOP chairman/original Hispanic poster boy Mel Martinez was a longtime partner at  -- yikes! -- Orlando PI firm Wooten Kimbrough.

What in the world would these "archly white-shoe lawyer pals" think of that?

(On second thought, don't answer that.)

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