I've never heard of the The Chartwell Law Offices, which appear to be based in Pennsylvania, but their hearts and minds are very much in foggy England, with a craggy old cigar chomper who once saved the British Empire:
“Integrity”, “determination”, “intelligence” and “eloquence” are the words that usually come to mind when ones recalls the life of the man who once said of his home in Kent, England “ A day away from Chartwell is a day wasted”.Hmm, this is like catnip for your humble blogger.
Indeed, Chartwell, with its noble brick walls, busy work-study, and garden studio, has come to embody the magnificent public life of Sir Winston Churchill.
The Chartwell Law Offices has chosen the image of this important 20th Century figure to symbolize our fundamental commitment of providing our clients with well-reasoned advice, zealous representation and cheerful goodwill, while engaging our colleagues in the legal community with honor, respect and integrity.
Now I see our Anglophile friends have opened up a Miami outpost, much like Churchill stormed the Gallipoli beaches in World War I, or battled disastrously for Greece in World War II -- ok ok, he made some good decisions too.
Here are the Miami lawyers heading up the new office:
Heading the new Miami office are Jerome Pivnik and Caroline Nitsche Carlson, who have been practicing general liability defense litigation together in Florida for over 20 years. "Jerry and Caroline are skillful litigators who have already demonstrated to our clients the highest levels of professionalism and service," noted Kenneth Goldberg, Chair of Chartwell's Liability Section in NYC.Congrats kids and remember:
The new Miami office is located at 9100 S. Dadeland Boulevard.
"We expect to announce further geographic and practice area expansions in the very near future," noted Cliff Goldstein, the firm's CEO.
Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.Oops -- wrong Churchill quote!
Let's try this:
All the great things are simple, and many can be expressed in a single word: freedom, justice, honor, duty, mercy, hope.Ok, that's a better fit.
Good luck Caroline and Jerome!
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