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Wednesday, 12 January 2011

Gabriel Jose Carrera Really Identifies With Sarah Palin. No, Really.

Bob Norman checks in with Fort Lauderdale immigration attorney and local Tea Party leader Gabriel Jose Carrera, who likes that Mama Grizzly Sarah Palin just a teensy teensy bit -- ok, a whole lot:
Carrera is a big fan of right-wing pundits and radio talkers, with his favorites being Glenn Beck, Michael Savage, and Rush Limbaugh, in that order. He's also a friend and believer in Joyce Kaufman. He was of course there for Kaufman's speech (grilling the dogs) during which she proposed bullets as a political remedy. And Carrera said he had a visceral reaction to those words. "I was like, 'Hell yeah!'" he told me. "Is Gabriel Carrera going to run down the street and start shooting any government official? No. I think that statement is more symbolic. It says we can change our government."

He said those words prior to the Giffords shooting and he says nothing has changed about the way he feels since.

Carrera is also, not surprisingly, an ardent supporter of Sarah Palin. "When you make fun of Sarah Palin you are making fun of me," he said. "When you are hitting her, you're hitting me." 

I don't want to "hit" Sarah Palin (I hope no one does).

But when Sarah hurts, Gabe feels her pain?

In fact, according to Bob, this guy has A LOT going on:
He has a tattoo of Confederate flag on his body (he won't say where) but says he didn't put it there in honor of the pro-slavery Confederacy but because he identifies himself as a rebel.
He likes John Lennon but says he is John's ideological opposite.

He is a first-generation Cuban immigrant who makes a living representing illegal immigrants in court yet is "stringently anti-immigration" (do his clients know this?).

He is fervently opposed to health care reform yet he and his wife can't afford any insurance and their kids are on the state health care insurance dole.

And from the video he seems like a perfectly nice man.....

To paraphrase Emerson, consistency is the hobgoblin of small minds.

Enough already, I want to interview this guy!

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