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Thursday, 14 April 2011

The Doomsday Cometh.

Let's see, what famous events occurred on May 3rd?

Oh, you had the Herald in 1987 reporting on Gary Hart's dalliance with Donna Rice, ending Hart's otherwise promising bid for the Presidency.

The Luftwaffe bombed Exeter back in 1942.

And of course General Lee decisively defeated the Union Army, which began their withdrawal on this date in 1863 in the bloody Battle of Chancellorsville.

Happy times, to be sure.

But nothing to compare with this:
This case will commence on Tuesday, May 3, 2011 at 9:30 A.M.  This case will proceed that week and the first three(3) days of the following week.  This case will resume Monday, May 16 through Wednesday May 18th, and then continue Monday, May 23rd.
Ok, I can't even follow that crazy trial schedule, but I'm pretty sure everything will proceed smoothly and without incident.

May God have mercy on our souls.

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