There are few debates I find less interesting than iPhone/Blackberry, but then again not everyone agrees that analyzing how two separate teams of writers could independently come up with The Munsters and The Addams Family at the exact same time remains one of the more puzzling questions of our age.
Still, Patrick J. O'Connor has a strong opinion on whether using an iPhone makes you look like a frivolous, pleasure-seeking lightweight:
Yet O'Connor adds that the type of mobile device one uses can still play an important role in how other people perceive you. "I think there has been a perception in the legal community that the BlackBerry is a more professional device," he says. "Traditionally, the iPhone was [seen as a device] for gaming and entertainment applications, and the BlackBerry was the device you really do business on.""Obscure gadget brand"? Heavens forbid!.
But O'Connor notes that perceptions often change over time, and that devices that once suggested a degree of unprofessionalism can suddenly become not only acceptable, but popular and desirable. "The majority of attorneys that I deal with day in and day out now seem to have iPhones, and there seems to be no problem with that," he says. On the other hand, attorneys thinking about using a bargain or obscure gadget brand may still want to think twice about the acquisition before straying from the pack.
Get me the McDonalds of smart phones, or get me nothing at all.
(BTW, I have a feeling Scott Rothstein would not approve of Patrick's goatee!)
I seem to have The Munsters on the brain today, guess that means I'm "straying from the pack":
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