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Tuesday, 19 April 2011

Tell Office Supply to Order More Post-Its -- Mr. Levine Is About To Head Home!

I have long contended that concerns about "texting while driving" are really concerns about "other people texting while driving."

I say this because every morning and evening on my way downtown I see just about everyone texting and checking their emails, deep in phone conversations, looking at websites, watching movies(!) and typing away like maniacs.

I don't personally object to this practice, assuming you are competent at performing more than one task at the same time and know when to focus more on the road at the appropriate moments.

Of course we know many people who fail at this, and who fail at driving even without any distractions whatsoever.

But not Kluger Kaplan partner Todd Levine, who is all about the driving while post-its:
It’s 7 p.m. and Todd Levine saunters out of his office, opens his car door, flips on his Bluetooth, and starts his nightly routine of sticking Post-It notes to his dashboard. As he heads north on the highway, one by one he peels off the Post-Its with phone numbers scribbled on them and makes the return calls.
 “I conduct my business and by the time I hang up, I’m in my driveway,” Levine says.

Levine, a Miami trial lawyer, has a similar routine in the morning. “By the time I get to my office, I have done at least 45 minutes to an hour of work.” 
Question for Cindy -- was Todd really "sauntering" out of his office?

Maybe he just had a lot of post-its on his fingers he needed to put on his dashboard? 

Actually, Todd's driving habits are fairly routine, nonobjectionable even, and we've all seen way way worse.

I'd like to see Todd incorporate his post-it practice into his official firm bio:
Todd uses his analytical skills and creativity to find the winning angle other lawyers might overlook. Sometimes that means honing in on that one key piece of buried evidence that will make or break a case. Other times, that means formulating the one legal argument that will give clarity to an otherwise murky dispute.  Even more other times, it just means picking the right post-it and knowing how to Bluetooth successfully without killing anybody on the way home.  This is not as easy as it sounds.
See, I really should do more law firm marketing.

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