Just up the road North of Ithaca on Route 96 is Trumansburg, more affectionately known as "T-Burg." Grassroots Festival (be careful driving or walking because of DWI and drugs, etc.), and lots of other Finger Lake events bring people from far and wide to this sleepy little town. Ulysses and T-Burg share the same Courthouse, right on Elm. Street, next to the Post Office. Plenty of parking in lots adjacent to and across from Court, unlike so many of the Courts I visit.
When I first came up here from the City this was always confusing. Confusing, because many Courts are not located in their Towns. For instance, Yates County/ Jerusalem Court is located in Branchport, so if you go to the Town of Jerusalem you're lost! Many towns are just not big enough to have a Courthouse so they share or they are located a town over. City Courts are in their cities but Town and Village Courts may be located anywhere.
Ulysses Court is in a small room, sometimes it's standing room only, and Mondays here are the "busy" Court night. I often go from here all the way back down to Ithaca, and then up on Route 13 to Dryden, which also has their busy Court night on Mondays as well. In the winter, depending on the weather it is not a fun Monday night. Court starts around 6 or 630 here, Dryden runs from 5pm till ? As I like to joke, 5 till done (much like the BBQs).
10 Elm Street, Trumansburg, NY
One Parking lot to the East of the Courthouse, and another
right across the street.
Both Judges move the Courts along briskly here, and I think the small room size actually helps to keep things focused. Another bonus here, walking distance to Gimme Coffee, Red Dragon Chinese Restaurant, and New York Pizza (which unfortunately is closed on Mondays, and doesn't serve Coke or Pepsi products). They sell some "foreign" soda which POs my wife.
Within driving distance is The Falls restaurant (kinda like a diner) which has excellent home cooked food. Rustic wood, Down to earth, and very good.
Phone: 607-387-5411
Fax: 607-387-5843
Email: toujust@twcny.rr.com
Justice Roger Rector holds court Tuesdays 9:30 AM
PTCs scheduled as per the Judge.
Justice Thomas Schlee holds Court Monday evenings at 6pm.
PTCs: Pretrial Conferences (where the Asst. District Attorney is present) are on the 1st Monday of each month at 6pm. These can also be status conferences to see if cases are moving towards a plea or a trial.
The ADA here is Dan Johnson.
Thursday, 26 May 2011
Ithaca Lawyer Appears in Ulysses/ Trumansburg Town Court
Eko Marwanto
On: 11:18
In: dwi dui dwai lawyer attoreny t-burg trumansburg tompkins ithaca cortland ulysses
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