Bankruptcy attorney Kevin Gleason's blistering response to Judge Olson's order to show cause is already legendary, and led to an order by the Judge promising further sanctions.
Well things do not look so good, according to today's order, and may include possible criminal sanctions:
The nature of Attorney Kevin Gleason's April 18, 2011 written response to the court's sua-sponte show-cause order is such that the continued show-cause hearing will be en banc.Mark your calendars: June 16th at 1:30 p.m.
Local Rule 2090-2(B)(1) provides:Upon order to show cause entered by at least one judge, any attorney appearing before the court may, after 30 days' notice and hearing and for good cause shown, be suspended from practice by the court, reprimanded or otherwise.The continued show-cause hearing will consider appropriate sanctions under the court's inherent authority for Gleason's November 2, 2010 and April 18, 2011 Rule 9011(b) violations. The continued show-cause hearing will also address whether the tone and/or content of Gleason's April 18th written response constitutes civil or criminal contempt of this court. Attorney Kevin Gleason is ordered to appear and articulate cause why civil or criminal contempt sanctions should not be imposed.
No mention as to whether Mr. Gleason should be taking his toothbrush to this hearing as well.
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