Dang does Frank dress up nice!
I'm so pissed at Blogger for eating my posts and making me have to focus today almost exclusively on (1) my cases; and (2) deciphering the contents of Osama's porn stash.
Nearly as interesting as what's hawt right now in Abbottabad is this genuinely amusing defamation suit filed against the Internet.
Even better, our local intertubular representative in this epic legal fiasco is none other than bashful Brian Tannebaum.
Given the heavy hitters comprising the "Rakofsky 74" I am quite certain they will be ably represented, either by themselves or by that fabulous Coral Gables restaurateur Marc Randazz
This is the legal equivalent of Charlie Sheen -- someone needs to stop the train before it runs off the cliff.
(Let's see when -- or if -- Blogger posts this.)
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