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Monday, 15 October 2012

Client Service and Building Upon Success

Toronto Personal Injury Lawyer Albert ConforziI spent this past Saturday with my colleagues at Pace Law Firm in a service standards retreat.

How refreshing it is to be part of an organization brave enough to look critically in the mirror. As I enter my 30th year working in litigation and in law firms, I have met many lawyers and observed many different firms. The one common thread is that the lawyers and their firms generally regard what they do as beyond  reproach and beyond review.

One thing that I have observed since joining Pace Law Firm is that our organization is not only dedicated to excellent service, but is constantly trying to find ways to build upon excellence.

Our firm already enjoys an extremely high level of client satisfaction.This results in a high rate of referrals back from former clients if their family and friends suffer an injury and need help to recover their dignity following that injury. That being the case, why would we bother asking our 130 lawyers and staff to devote their weekend to talk about something we already do well? The answer is simple: complacency is the enemy.

We live in an incredibly competitive world. There are no end of competitors who use the media to boast that they are the best at what they do. At Pace, building upon our achievements will continue to motivate us to push the envelope of client service and satisfaction.

Our culture of service has been incredibly important to our success so far, yet I am proud to be part of an organization that is able to say, "We provide exceptional service to our clients, but we can always find ways to improve."

Albert Conforzi is a personal injury lawyer with Pace Law Firm in Toronto. His posts generally appear on Mondays.

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